7 Real Life MOST HAUNTED Locations Made Famous By Bollywood Movies

Bollywood is an industry which centers around every one of the class of amusement and out of those, the class of frightfulness stays one of the most famous one. Innumerous number of chiefs in the business enjoy into making blood and gore films which takes care of well. Out of the relative multitude of highlights that these motion pictures have, the most phenomenal one clearly stays where the film is shot. These spots convey a frightening and regular dull surface that goes into making these blood and gore flicks more important and genuine. Today we bring to you a rundown of such creepy areas, regularly utilized in the blood and gore flicks of Bollywood.

  1. Plant Slope Lodging, Ooty

The Greenery Slope Lodging in Ooty turned into a very renowned spot after it was utilized as an area in the film ‘Raaz’. Aside from being a functioning area for tormented films, this inn itself has a few such stories to describe. The exceptionally creepy and dull climate draw out the most terrible shocking tales, out of which the most renowned one remain Choreographer Saroj Khan and her team’s lethal experience. It is broadly said that the entire team heard a few creepy commotions like reworking of furniture from the first floor of the inn though there was never a first floor in the lodging!

  1. Tulip Star, Juhu

The Tulip Star Lodging in Juhu turned out to be very well known after the film ‘Pizza’ was shot in it. Among the netizens, the film proceeded to be a super hit and was in the buzz of the crowd for a really long time. This is the way the inn too got to possibly be known by quite a few people.

  1. Alerton Palace, Britain.

One of the most outstanding tormented film of Bollywood, ‘1920’ was shot inside the enormous construction Alerton Palace which is situated in Yorkshire, Britain. This Victorian-style complex is accepted to be perhaps of the most spookiest spot on the planet and hence remains generally famous. As indicated by the team, the immense construction, the frightful nature and the forlornness inside the palace frequently gives an energy of murkiness and creepy exercises meandering all over.

  1. Rajkamal Kalamandir, Mumbai

The all white set in the exemplary opening shot of the film ‘Kohraa’ was shot in a similar complex of Rajkamal Kalamandir, which is situated in Mumbai. Because of the scary and creepy energy that the entire area presents, many individuals shun visiting this spot and accordingly avoids it.

  1. Bougain Estate, Madh Island.

The Bougain Estate, situated in Madh Island, is possessed by the eminent entertainer Mandira Bedi and her maker spouse Raj Kaushal. The notable tormented film ‘Phoonk’ was shot in the entire estate, after which it turned out to be notable by the general population. Because of its strange and creepy surface, the proprietor couple also shuns living here and have leased it out for guests.

  1. Vas Manor, Bangalore

Albeit the Vas Estate, situated in Bangalore was not utilized for the shooting of ‘Alone’ featuring Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover, yet the legend connected with the manor looks like a similar storyline like that of the film. This estate was a home to Vas sisters and sadly one day, one of the sisters was cut and killed by the other. It is accepted that the entire estate after that specific occurrence changed into a well known tormented place in Bangalore. Indeed, even paranomal lobbyist have affirmed the series of creepy exercises inside the manor.

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