WhatsApp is introducing a new feature to help keep your chats private. You will be able to lock individual chats so that only you and the people you chat with can see them.
WhatsApp is an app that lets you communicate with people around the world. In 2020, they introduced a new feature called disappearing messages. This allows you to have your messages automatically deleted after a certain period of time. According to reports, they are now planning to enhance this feature by adding 15 more duration options. This will give users more control and flexibility over their messages.
WhatsApp is expected to include a new feature that will allow users to adjust the length of time messages will disappear.WhatsApp’s disappearing messages feature helps keep your messages private by deleting them after a set period of time. This helps keep your conversations from being stored on either the recipient’s device or WhatsApp’s servers indefinitely.
As of now, WhatsApp only offers three options for hiding messages: 24 hours, 7 days, and 90 days. However, according to a report, the messaging app is working on adding more duration options to this feature. Screenshots shared in the report show a glimpse of the new durations that are being developed.
WhatsApp is working on an update that will allow users to choose from a range of durations for disappearing messages. These new options will be accessible from the “More options” menu, and they will include durations ranging from one year to just one hour. This added flexibility will give users more control over their conversations and allow them to customize their disappearing message settings to fit their needs.
The beta version of WhatsApp’s Windows Desktop client has revealed that the new disappearing messages durations will be available in that version as well as on iOS and Android. It’s not yet confirmed if the same durations will be available in the beta versions of both platforms.
We’re expanding the duration options for disappearing messages in WhatsApp so that users can have greater flexibility and control over their private conversations. Adding an hour duration could be especially useful for messages that contain sensitive or confidential information, as it would ensure that they’re automatically deleted from the server and the recipient’s device after a short period of time. This would enhance the privacy and security of WhatsApp’s messaging service.