On April 1, everyone celebrates April Fool’s Day. This day is a time when people are fooled in different ways and have a lot of fun. We have some ideas for you to try on your family and friends!
April Fool’s Day is a day to have fun and be creative. People often make fun of fools on this day, but it’s not really a bad thing. The origin of April Fool’s Day is actually very funny. Back in the old days, people would play jokes on each other to make fun of each other. And when April Fool’s Day came around, they would call it “Fool’s Day” because that’s what it was really all about – having fun. So don’t be fooled, just have a good time on April Fool’s Day!
Fool’s Day began in 1686 when UK biographer John Aubery celebrated it by spreading rumors. A few years later, in 1698, people were gathered in the Tower of London to see what would happen when he was told that a lion was dying in the world. However, nothing happened when the lie was exposed in the newspaper the next day. Since then, people have fun fooling people on April 1 by spreading lies.
We will tell you some fun tricks you can try on your friends, partner, or family today. Some ideas might involve playing jokes on them.
1.Does your partner like to have tea in the morning? For this, you can add a little salt to his tea as a joke. Due to this, when he drinks the first tea in the morning, he will be shocked by the taste of salt, which can bother him for some time. Then you can call them April Fools.
2.Apart from this, you put some papad, biscuits or chips under the sheet on the bed. When someone suddenly sits on it, it will make a crackling sound. One can definitely lose a laugh after a shock.
3.Use some old nail polish to color the soap bar and put it back after it dries. No matter how hard a person tries, there will be no lather in the soap.
4.Put the bubble wrap under the carpet, bath mat, bed or sofa cover. As soon as someone comes and sits there or walks, you have an idea of the sound coming out of the bubbles. This prank is going to be very funny.
5.If colored toothpaste is used in your home, replace your child’s toothpaste with white, creamy or sweet vanilla frosting or cake decorating gel. It will surprise them without any hassle.
6.Put some balloons in your partner’s pillow cover before sleeping. Try not to laugh until they find out what’s wrong with their pillow.
7.If someone from your home or friends is very addicted to soft drinks, then it will be a lot of fun to do this prank with him. Fill their Coca-Cola or Pepsi bottles with soy sauce instead of the drink. Due to the same color, they will not be able to recognize and after drinking it, their face will be worth seeing.
8.Stick transparent plastic on top of the shampoo or conditioner bottle. When someone opens it to use, he will he will be confused as to why the shampoo is not coming out.
9.You can try this prank with car lovers. Paste the broken glass sticker on the vehicle. When they see it in the morning, they will start crying.
10.Don’t forget to involve your children in the April Fool’s fun. Open the toffee wrapper and take out the toffee. Put some other thing in that wrapper, pack it again cleanly and give them to eat.